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  • Announcement
      1. Beginning in 2015, the firm / company does not need to submit Form UMA - 3 to the National Printing Malaysia (PNMB). Companies / firms are required to give up money, compact disc (CD), the submission form WTD (Form UMA - 4) and a list of WTD (three originals List WTD Form UMA - 3) ​​directly to the Registrar's office at Level 42, Menara Maybank, Kuala Lumpur.


      1. Application for reimbursement can be done directly from the Registrar of Unclaimed Money without any charges / costs incurred.


    1. Ministry of Finance or the Registrar of Unclaimed Money never appointed any individual / firm / company as an intermediary or agent for the refund of Unclaimed Money.
  • The Role of The Registrar of Unclaimed Money

    The Registrar is responsible for carrying out the obligations and functions vested under Part II of the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965 as follows :

    1. As trustee to the unclaimed moneys received;
    2. To refund the unclaimed moneys to claimants who provide proof that he has a legal right over the money to be claimed;
    3. To inspect the records of company or firm to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Act;
    4. To suggest the imposition of compound and penalty on company or firm that has committed an offence under the Act.

  • Unclaimed Money Act 1965

    Accountant General was appointed by the Finance Minister as Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys ( WTD ) on June 1, 1975.
    Appointment of Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys pursuant to section 9 ( 1 ) and section 9 ( 2 ) Unclaimed Monies Act 1965 are as follows :

    P.U.(B) 221

    "In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Unclaimed Monies Act 1965, the Minister of Finance has appointed the Accountant General as the Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys with effect from the 1st day of June, 1975."

    [Made.(12:20) 443/34 - 1 Vol.2;Sp.N.(PU2)254.]

    "In exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (2) of section 9 of the Unclaimed Monies Act 1965, the Minister of Finance has appointed the Deputy Accountant General as Deputy Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys with effect from the 1st day of October, 1984."

    [Made.(12:20) 443/34 - 1 Vol.2;Sp.N.]

    Click here to view Unclaimed Money Act 1965

  • Definition of Unclaimed Moneys

    1. Moneys which are legally payable to the owner but have remained unpaid for a period of not less than one (1) year.

      Examples under this category are :
      • salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions and other payments due to employees;
      • dividend;
      • profits declared for distributions;
      • insurance claims which have been approved for payment;
      • bank draft, cashier's order and other documents of similar nature which validity period have lapsed;
      • fixed deposits (without automatic renewal instructions) which have matured;
      • tender deposits for which the intended purpose has been fulfilled;
      • sundry creditors or sundry debtors with credit balance.

    2. Moneys standing to the credit of an account that has not been operated in whatever manner by the owner for a period of not less than seven (7) years.

      Examples under this category are :
      • saving account;
      • current account;;
      • fixed deposit (with automatic renewal instructions).

    3. Moneys to the credit of a trade account that has remained dormant for a period of not less than two (2) years.

      Examples under this category are :
      • trade creditors account;
      • trade debtors account with credit balance.

  • Who Should Comply With the Provision of The Act

    • Company incorporated under the provisions of The Companies Act 1965 (or Foreign companies as specified under Division 2 of Part XI of the same Act) and includes;

    • Boards established to manage funds relating to retirement benefits;

    • All registered societies and cooperative societies;

    • Corporations, public authorities and trade unions; and

    • Firms (i.e unincorporated body of persons associated together to carry out business).

  • Awareness Program of Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965

    Awareness Program of Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965 is held monthly and organized by JANM each state.

    The briefing schedule can be obtain through Schedule for Awareness Program.

    Before entering the briefing, participants are required to fill up the Attendance Form for Awareness Program and must submit the form to the secretariat before the briefing.

    Inspection of Unclaimed Moneys is to ensure that companies / firms comply with the provisions of the Unclaimed Monies Act 1965. Only authorized personnel are allowed to perform this Inspection. List of inspectors are as per List of Authorised Inspection Officer.

  • Submission of Unclaimed Money

    According to Section 10, Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965, company/firm is responsible for the following actions :

    1. Maintain a record of all Unclaimed Moneys in a register to be kept at its principal office or place of business in Malaysia in the form to be determined by the Registrar.
    2. Lodge with the Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys at his office a copy of the Unclaimed Moneys register not later than the last day of March.
    3. Submit a copy of the Unclaimed Moneys register for publication in the Gazette.

    Starting from 2021, company/firm shall encrypt Register of Unclaimed Moneys (Pin.1/2018) using WTD Submission Kit. The Registrar will provide link for downloading WTD Submission Kit upon request through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Company/firm may download guideline and documents needed for Unclaimed Moneys Submission below :

    [animate type="fadeInUp"]

    No. Guideline / Documents for Unclaimed Moneys Submission PDF Word Excel
    1 Flow Chart of Unclaimed Moneys Submission (2024 Edition)   Download    
    2 Guideline on Submission of Unclaimed Moneys (2024 Edition)   Download    
    3 Form UMA-1 (Amd.1/2023) – Unclaimed Moneys Registration Form   Download   Download  
      3.1 Guideline filling up Form UMA-1 (Amd.1/2023) (2024 Edition)   Download    
    4 Form UMA-4 (Amd.1/2023) – Unclaimed Moneys Submission Form   Download   Download  
      4.1 Guideline filling up Form UMA-4 (Amd.1/2023) (2024 Edition)   Download    
    5 Register of Unclaimed Moneys (Amd.1/2023) (2024 Edition)       Download
    6 Unclaimed Moneys Submission Checklist (2024 Edition)   Download   Download  


  • Refund of Unclaimed Moneys

    Section 13 (1), Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965

      • Registrar of Unclaimed Money upon being satisfied that the claimant is the owner of the moneys, shall authorize payment thereof to be made to him out of Consolidated Trust Account or Revenue Account.


      • Claimant need to prove to Registrar that he is the rightful owner of the unclaimed moneys or have the legal right over the unclaimed moneys.


      • There are no time limitation for the application of unclaimed moneys.


    • Registrar had already set the guidelines for application of unclaimed moneys by listing the documents required to be submitted together with the application. (Please refer to the brochure guidelines for application of unclaimed moneys).

    [animate type="fadeInUp"]

    No. Documents / Guidelines PDF Word
    1 Brochure guidelines for Application for Refund of Unclaimed Moneys   *Important* Download  
    2 Application for Refund of Unclaimed Moneys Form [ UMA-7 ( Pin.1/2015) ] Download Download
    3 Examples of Filling In Application for Refund of Unclaimed Moneys Form [ UMA -7 (Pin. 1/2015) ] Download  
    4 Form UMA-8 (Amd.1/2019) – Indemnity Bond Form Download  
    5 Form AM 80 – Declaration Form   Download  
    6 Examples of Unclaimed Moneys Confirmation Letter from company / firm :    
      6.1 Example of Confirmation Letter for Saving Account / Current Account / Fixed Deposit Download  
      6.2 Example of Confirmation Letter for Saving Account / Current Account / Fixed Deposit (Data Discrepancy) Download  
      6.3 Example of Confirmation Letter for Banker’s Cheque / Bank Draft / Demand Draft / Cashier Order Download  
      6.4 Example of Confirmation Letter for Banker’s Cheque / Bank Draft / Demand Draft / Cashier Order (Data Discrepancy) Download  
      6.5 Example of Confirmation Letter for Insurance / Salary / Dividend / Deposit Download  
      6.6 Example of Confirmation Letter for Insurance / Salary / Dividend / Deposit (Data Discrepancy) Download  


  • Unclaimed Securities
    1. Unclaimed securities consist of shares, bonds and other financial instruments belonging to the public which are transferred to the Government in the name of Minister of Finance and Accountant General under the various Acts. Although these securities are transferred to the Minister of Finance or the Accountant General, the Government still maintains the record of original owners for the sole purpose of returning these securities/proceeds thereof to the owners/their heirs sometime in the future.
    2. The Government through Accountant General Department’s acts as a trustee for all the unclaimed securities surrendered to the Government pursuant to Section 14, 29 and 30 of Securities Central Industry Depositories Act 1991 (SICDA) -Amendment 1998 Act A1039, Section 65 Trustee Act 1949, Section 36 Trust Companies Act 1949 and Section 583 Companies Act 2016. 
    3. All proceeds in the form of dividends, interest and proceeds from the sale of securities are firstly accrued in the records to the owner before the money is lodged with the Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys. The lodged moneys will be subjected to Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965 and the owner/his successor/ heir can forward his claim at any time because is no limitation of period imposed.

    Checklist (Amd.1/2021) - Application for Sale Proceeds / Dividend of Securities

    [animate type="fadeInUp"]

    No. Title  
    1 Application By Individual Download
    2 Application By Company Download
    3 Application If Representing A Deceased Person Download

    Forms - Application for Sale Proceeds / Dividend of Securities

    No. Title  
    1 Form UMA-7 (Amd.1/2015) Download
    2 Form UMA-8S (Amd.1/ 2016) Download
    3 Form SPS2 (Amd. 1/2021) Download
    4 Application For Refund Of Unclaimed Moneys Via Bank Draft / Telegraphic Transfer Download


    All Sales Revenue/Dividend/Securities Interest Refund Application or any inquiries related to Sales Revenue/Dividend/Security Interest Reimbursement Application must be submitted to the address of the Registrar of Unclaimed Money as follows:

    Bahagian Pengurusan Wang Tak Dituntut
    Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia
    Aras 1, Blok Utara, Perbendaharaan 2
    Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan
    No. 7, Persiaran Perdana
    Presint 2,62594 Putrajaya

    (u.p : Unit Sekuriti Tak Dituntut)

    Email Address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Telephone : 03 8000 8780/8781/8682/8681
